Furious George Designs

Web Design & Developement

Birderlists: Creating an App for Bird Watchers

Created an App for birders similar to face book. Intergrated Google Maps API to display bird sightings. Custom PHP, MySQL build.
Fully Responsive, custom mobile UI.

Initially, the idea was to create a dynamic website similar to Facebook utilizing PHP, MySQL,  and some basic jQuery.

Birdwatching seems to be getting popular lately. I have quite a few friends and family members that are birdwatchers. However, it wasn’t until recently that I began to really appreciate it. Birders are a some what new term that applies to avid birdwatchers. Birdwatchers may have a bird feeder in their backyard, they may take notice of the different birds they see on their walk at a local park, they may or may not keep track of the birds they see. Birders on the other hand, keep detailed lists, and are known to drive thousands of miles just to see a rare species that may be missing from one of their treasured lists.

Birderlists homepage - Fully Responsive Layout

Birderlists homepage – Fully Responsive Layout

As I became more and more familiar with birders and their obsessive compulsive ways, the more obvious it became that they are just screaming for some one to design a web based application for them to help create and organize with their intricate lists. So, I set  out to  do just that.

Initially, the idea was to create a dynamic website similar to Facebook utilizing PHP, MySQL,  and some basic jQuery. Except, birderlists’ users share their recent bird sightings with other birders while also  creating and managing their lists and photos.

Profile Page - Lists Section

Profile Page – Utilizes Google Maps to display the user’s lists


Having a database of sighting to search through creates a very useful tool for birders to locate specific species they may be trying to add to one of their lists.

My original concept centered around birders wanting to have a place to keep their lists and photos. But, I quickly realized that there could  be a more practical and obvious feature that could be more useful to birders. Having a database of sighting to search through creates a very useful tool for birders to locate specific species they may be trying to add to one of their lists.  So I quickly added a search feature for Birderlists. The next obvious step was to utilize a map to display lists and search queries, so I utilized Google Maps API to do this.

Birderlists Phot Album Section

Photo Album Section

The beta version of birderlists is up and is functional.  It utilizes a fully responsive layout. I am really excited about its potential and currently addressing a some usability issues. The next step of development is going to be to utilize WordPress as a foundation for Birderlists. More on this soon.




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